Monday, November 28, 2011


So I am always trying to find myself and my purpose in life. As I was on my mission I came across a app on my iphone. The name of the app is iLife Coach. I don't think that here in nowhere land there are any life coaches so this app is the next best thing. It is $1.99 and worth every penny. The one thing so far that I don't like, is the fact that there is not continuous information. I have read everything on the app and now I want some new information. This is like a teaser. Other than that I like the information that is there. It was very helpful. I have now decided to find a life coach that will work with me long distance. On another note I  still have not found the I heart Matte palette by Wet n Wild. I did find the Revlon lip butters. I will be posting a review on those soon! I was not able to get all of the shades but I have a good selection! Until next time. Toodles!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Missing Wet n' Wild Items

I am close to giving up on my search for the new palettes! I can not find the matte palette anywhere close to me. I guess the search will continue. If any one has any suggestions please let me know. To the Wet n' Wild company please stop teasing us with your limited number of palettes. It is driving me crazy! Lol!